God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs

by Denise M. 12/15/03
(sung to: “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”, )

(A tribute to the up-and-coming new Harry Potter movie,
with special thanks to JKR for the suggestion)

God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs, let nothing you dismay.
Hermione has a time-turner and so can save the day.
And Harry’s Patronus will keep the Dementors at bay.
And the Prisoner of Azkaban is free,
Sirius-ly (seriously)
And the Prisoner of Azkaban is free.

God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs, watch ‘oer the Golden Three.
The rat that they called Pettigrew has had a chance to flee.
And Harry has borne witness to Trelawney’s prophesy.
But the Prisoner of Azkaban is free,
Sirius-ly (seriously)
But the Prisoner of Azkaban is free.

God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs, destruction you have missed.
And Black has made his get-a-way, so he has not been kissed.
Order of Merlin Snape got not, so he is really pissed.
But the Prisoner of Azkaban is free,
Siruis-ly (seriously)
But the Prisoner of Azkaban is free.

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